The Last Installment of Tokyo Pictures
This is the famous Kaminari-mon (gate) that we and a million other people all picked the same time to go see. This little old man just happened to walk in front of my camera as I pressed the 'take picture' button, but I love him for it. The other one is just a regular tourist picture of me and Atsuko.
We went searching in a very quiet place in Tokyo (it being the university town and all the students had gone home for New Years) to take this picture. Unfortunately the coffee shop was closed that day, but one day I wanna go back to see if I get a free drink.
And the last random picture is taken out of the second floor window of McDonalds into a building across the street. We had earlier gone in search for sumo wrestlers because I wanted to meet one and get my picture taken with him since we were in sumo-town, but no luck. We had just given up and stopped for a snack at McDonalds when I looked out the window and saw these huge men lumbering around in the building across the street, stretching and giving each other massages. It was amazing because I actually got to see one, even if it was just in the creepiest way possible (for them) because I was peeping through the window at them. And to make the story better, the song that was playing on the radio just that minute was something like, "I just wanted to meet you..." We had a good laugh.
All your photos are totally amazing! So fun to see them all, and that you are looking healthy and happy. Did you see fireworks and all the New Year's eve feastivities? Kudos to little old men who can walk fast like that! I especially liked "Cafe Erika"...what a gas!!
You take the randomest pictures, my friend. I liked the pictures of the kids best because I actually recognise a lot of them. It brought back memories of September.
I am so excited to see tokyo with you!! we are going to shake things up superhero style.
(insert various dangerous dance moves here)
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