Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentine's Day Rhapsody (Blues)

It's the Boxing Day of Valentines Day today. Happy Valentines Day to me. Kaila and I had a splendid time making about 90 cupcakes for the kids to decorate in the classes yesterday and that I mean....we should both not cook. Or attempt to. It's funny because we used box mixes and things still went all haywire. We decided to color one of the batches so the dough would be all pink and festive, but it turned out looking on the nuclear side of inedible. Those were the underbaked pink ones. There were brown pink ones and lightly tanned pink ones as well. Then there were the white ones which varied from white to hardly able to distinguish that they're supposed to be white.
We had all of the sprinkles picked out that the kids would use but then we realized that we needed something to stick them to the cupcakes. We checked in the Nordaas' fridge, and alas, no whipped cream; we checked the cupboard and oh no, no icing sugar; we checked the clock and oh wow, gotta make something up quick cuz the kids will be coming. So we decided to make buttermilk icing (a double recipe) which did not turn out so well - it's quite orange and tastes like pure butter. And now we have to figure out something to make that uses 8 egg whites.
But the kids enjoyed it and said they were good, even though me and Kaila were secretly grimicing inside and praying that no one would get deathly ill.
Oh buttermilk icing, angel food cake and Valentine's Day. We ruined all three in one go.
And Kaila gave me sembei (rice cracker) for Valentine's Day, and we ate on the heated carpet as we mourned.
But things are looking up because we're going snowboarding on Monday. Oh and Starbucks, where things always seem to feel normal.
And now we will attempt to get home safely and not get blown off the bridge into the murky depths below. I've never heard such hard consistent wind before or seen horizontal falling snow...hard chunky rain-snow.
Tomorrow must be better cuz it's Odate Day...and Mr Donuts Day.


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Norway's Canadian said...

Sounds like it was a fun Valentine's Day to me! For my Valentine's Boxing Day I went to the International Children's Art Museum in Oslo. I saw many amazing pieces of art and I found 3 from Japan all made by girls named Erika. Oh yes, and I have tagged you.


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