Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Culture Re-shock

There seems to be a difference in the way time passes in Japan and Canada. I've been in Canada for a month already; I remember in Japan how long that used to feel. Maybe part of the reason is that I've just been hanging out with friends and getting recharged.
I've also been learning how to interact with Canadian peers again. When I first went to Japan I had continually observe how people acted just so I wouldnt' do anything abnormal or rude. Now that I'm home I'm discovering that I need to learn how to make jokes and how to react to people in a Canadian way again (Japanese only comes out sometimes now...)
I've been home for a month, but I still can't get over the sky. It's just so big and so blue. I honestly just stare at it sometimes, amazed at how high up and blue it is. The difference between Japan and Canada in regards to the sky is like living in a snowglobe as opposed to being in a full-blown blizzard in the arctic; it's just bigger. (Not that Canada is snow and blizzardy).

There are also other little things that startle me along the way.

-There are Canadian bills that are red.
-We don't have to stop at every railroad track, and it scares me going over them at full speed because I think I will get arrested.
-We have to turn off our cars while we fill up with gas (though it caused me great anxiety the first time I filled up with a Japanese person who didn't turn off the car because I thought we were going to explode.)
-The vehicles are so huge (and Japan you get a new car at least every 10 years) and the roads are so wide; I'm not quite used to having sidewalks and lawns in between the roads and the houses. It seems like in paving the roads, the construction people just slabed concrete down in a general road-area and painted the lines after.
-There is a lot of sugar in Canadian food...though I now find myself having things like cake for breakfast...
-There are substantially more fat people in this country (probably because they have things like cake for breakfast)
-Western humor incorporates a lot of insulting and hurting your best friends
-Pop bottles and chip bags, and things like the soft drink you get with your Subway are just so huge, almost like a meal in itself.
-I want Japanese sticky rice cooked in a rice cooker!!
-There is no humidity here and it's wonderful; I can walk around outside and not sweat profusely from the 100% humidity

So if you hang out with me please have patience as I am learning how to be fully Canadian again...and how to speak English correctly.


At 8:44 AM, Blogger Dan and Christine Lawson said...

It's great to hear that you are getting back into the swing of things. I am NOT looking forward to culture shock. I am sure I will experience some of what you are, especially moving out to NY. Great to hear from you. I miss knowing you are only 4 hours away...

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Buddy, you've been adjusting very well. It's interesting to see how quickly your sweet tooth has come back. I thought you were going to be all gung ho for veggies when you got back.

At 12:42 AM, Blogger Kaila Cook said...

haha, I have to add not all Canadians eat Cake for breakfast. Hey, are your ice cream serving back to North American size? HEHE

At 12:37 AM, Blogger Kroegeroos said...

I actually miss the humidity! not of Japan, but I'm sure I'd be missing sticky rice if I ever did spend some time in Japan... I wouldn't mind some right now actually. I just started a blog so if you would like to check it out, well it's a new thing for me and I don't know how often I am going to write, but it seems like a good idea to me, so maybe I'll do it often. good luck at being Canadian... try not to be too "canadian" maybe canadians could be a little more japanese instead :)

At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, good think we have "the code" so you know when I'm kidding. ;) WINK!


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