It's been about two full days and I'm already getting sick of cold meals. I have no creativity when it comes to culinary arts, and not very much motivation. Good combination. Today's been a two-egg day; boiled egg as part of breakfast, and boiled egg as part of lunch. But I did go to the local grocery store and pick up some fruit. And saran wrap. So I'm a little bit eating healthy...except for the Wendy's I had last night with Andrea because we both didn't want to cook.
I need my mother to cook for me and feed me nice warm meals instead of the many granola bars I feed myself. Or I need more people than just myself to cook for. And a Meal-Planner to tell me what to make. And a Grocery-List-Maker to tell me what to buy. And a Financial Advisor to tell me what I can afford.
I also need a secretary, or just someone who plans my general day and schedules in everything that I need to do, a Day-Coordinator if you will. As well as a Room Decorator to remove the clutter of boxes and half a bed from my room. And a Certified Genious to help me with homework when I get it. And a personal trainer to help get me into tip-top shape. Unfortunately I can't employ all these people on my student loan. Any volunteers?