Friday, February 29, 2008


I'm learning that life is fluid. Relationships, plans, love between friends or family, anything you dream.
Fluid is a funny word for people made out of dust. But it makes sense. When you mix dust with water you get mud. And if you have dry enough mud it's called clay. And clay is what God molds out of. He makes us best when we are mixed with water. His word.
Fluid. Sort of like waves on a lake or any other body of water, but more like the sea of golden-ripe wheat I am now picturing in my mind. Anybody who has been to the prairies right before harvest knows the way the wind swooshes through the individual stalks of grain and creates an equal mass that moves as a body. It's beautiful. It's fluid.
Like life. God gives us direction, points us in a way, and we can have fun carving down through the powder on the run he's placed us, all the while discovering secrets he's saved for us. You can choose to go through the trees, you can choose to take the jumps, or you can choose to go straight down in a tuck position like a child who hasn't yet learned fear. The point is to enjoy. And grow. To be fluid.
Fluid like love. You are never going to be completely happy with one person all the time; there will always be one day, or minute or hour that you are displeased with them. But because love stretches it doesn't end when the anger or frustration starts. It expands to encompass somebody's flaws. There are no rules to say when love gives up or when it should be in full bloom. Love is love.
Rules are fluid. Any rule you make is always going to be broken by at least one person. The point is that you're trying to obey, that you're trying to live up to the standard you know you've been called to. There is forgiveness when you break a rule and you're free to start again. Rules are not fluid like water, but more like gel; their nature doesn't allow them to run freely.
Life is fluid, and within fluidity there is freedom. And Perfect Love is found in the midst of freedom.
Walking with God is a dance, not a march, and he's the perfect leader. He makes us as beautiful and graceful as that sea of wheat dancing in the wind, giving glory to its Maker.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Castle Mountain Adventure

wind generators by Pincher Creek

Miriam, John and I on our way up the chair lift for the first time

catching snowflakes

we jumped in the snowbank... and got severely stuck

Miriam the snow monster

if only I had moved a little more to the left while taking this picture...

it cleared up by the end of the first day and we finally saw a mountain or two

we decided spontaneously to go to Waterton for supper

...and spotted some fat escaped turkeys on the way

everything was severely snowed in

no pizza for us here...should've had one of the turkeys

chair lift to... where?
navigating down was equally as exciting...aka good thing we didn't fall off a cliff

check out the degree of that slope behind me... and the waist-deep powder under me
what a thigh-burner, but so fun

a jump we found by accident but turned out good

Miriam and Carina

we didn't realize this view was here the day before because it was so cloud and snowy

The End