My (Incomplete) List
I have been tagged in a game I was not aware I was a part of, but since I'm such a sport I'll play too. What I can gather is that people who are tagged make a random list up to five...or something like that. So I will make a list. Here I go.
Things I'm looking forward to about going home:
1) being close to my family and friends (by close I mean a physical closeness where I can see them most every day...I've found an uncanny level of the other sort of closeness with people while I've been halfway around the world...)
2) going to church, singing to and worshiping God from the heart with many other people and just soaking for a while
3) being in a culture where it's not weird or awkward to touch someone or give them a hug
4) the smell of fresh laundry, a drying machine, and stepping out of the shower and using a towel that doesn't stink (or into a room where I can see my breath)
5) I honestly can't think of another thing. I've been learning to be satisfied with where I am and what I have and who I don't have during my time here in Japan; therefore, (yes I did just say 'therefore') nothing else comes to mind.
I can't think of really any food because I love Japanese food, and maybe now even prefer it to what I've grown up with (yay vegetables, rice and tofu!!!).
I know even in saying it'll be nice being around my friends and family at home, I'll miss the people I've come to love in Japan.
I don't miss the flatness of Saskatchewan too much; it's absolutely gorgeous living in the mountains among the rice fields and forests.
I can't say I'll love being back in my native tongue all the time because Japanese is addicting to me and I'll miss not hearing it all the time (even when I have a day in Japan without much Japanese I start to get antsy and want to hear it again...).
I'm tempted to say I'm looking forward to having no responsibility, but you can't escape responsibility; it's a part of growing up and being human in this world. Even when I go home I'll have responsibilities, though they might seem easier from over here (the grass is greener mentality).
So that is my list of 5, no matter how incomplete it is because it only goes up to 4.